
The Choice Between Income and Consumption Taxes: A Primer

tax on consumption vs income

Most European countries and Canada have a consumption tax system in the form of VATs, or value-added taxes. In Canada, the VAT is referred to as a goods and services tax (GST) in some provinces, and a harmonized sales tax (HST) in others. The higher price includes the consumption tax, which is collected by the vendor and remitted to the appropriate federal, state, or local government. Consumption taxes are often levied at different rates on different commodities according to perceptions of whether a commodity is considered a necessity (such as food) or a luxury (such as jewelry). Generally, consumption taxes are an economically efficient way of raising tax revenue. Compared to other tax revenue sources, consumption tax revenue as a share of GDP tends to be relatively stable over time, even during economic downturns.

Replacing the corporate and non-corporate income taxes with a cash flow tax that allows full expensing of all capital investment significantly reduces the cost of capital and thus incentivizes new domestic investment. Households would pay taxes on wages and salaries as well as supplements such as employer-provided health insurance and other fringe benefits but would not pay taxes on capital income such as capital gains, interest, or dividends. Compensation would be taxed progressively as described in Table 9 below, with rates ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent.

There are several different types of consumption taxes, some of which exist in parts of the world or apply to different goods. Almost every state imposes sales tax except for Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, which instead allows cities to charge a local sales tax. Simply multiplying the VAT rate by the proper economic accounts would overstate the potential revenue impact of a VAT because any tax will suffer from some tax avoidance. Using the same examples as above, a single parent with $5,000 in income and one child dependent would qualify for nearly $2,100 of tax credits under current law. A family of joint filers earning $35,000 with two child dependents would qualify for about $7,000 to $9,000 of tax credits currently, which would fall to $6,000 under the proposed reform. The heightened salience of the VATs may help create political pressure to keep rates from rising.

In the long run, the plan has a positive economic effect and is approximately revenue neutral on a conventional basis. Other excise taxes are applied to people who benefit from a program or infrastructure. For example, taxes on gasoline are collected from drivers to maintain roads, highways, and bridges. With tax season upon us, here’s everything understanding the pros and cons of ebitda you need to know about a national consumption tax. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to conduct in-depth, nonpartisan research to improve policy and governance at local, national, and global levels.

Which is an example of a consumption tax?

The income tax reduces her consumption by 21.5 percent relative to the what is financial accounting no-tax situation, compared to 20 percent for Taxpayer A who immediately consumed. In addition to economic costs, government agencies incur administrative costs as they enforce tax rules and individuals incur compliance costs as they spend time and money to follow tax rules. The U.S. government used a consumption tax for much of its history before replacing it with an income tax.

tax on consumption vs income

How consumption taxes work

Greater investment means businesses would have more capital, which increases workers’ productivity, and ultimately improves living standards. Second, it would likely reduce a variety of tax distortions that arise amortization schedule under the current tax system due to the uneven treatment of investment and other economic activity. Finally, under a consumed income tax, the entire tax would be collected at the household level on income less saving. Income would include wages and compensation, investment income that is spent, and net borrowing, while saving would include increases in bank deposit accounts and purchases of business assets, financial assets, and owner-occupied housing.

How Taxing Consumption Would Improve Long-Term Opportunity and Well-Being for Families and Children

Consumption taxes are an important source of tax revenue for local, state and federal governments around the world. In fact, these taxes on goods and services make up more than 32 percent of tax revenue in OECD — or Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — countries. Consumption taxes are a tax on how people or businesses spend their money. These taxes on the purchase of goods and services are usually percentage-based, meaning they apply as a percentage of the total purchase price.

Retail Sales Tax

  1. For example, taxes on gasoline are collected from drivers to maintain roads, highways, and bridges.
  2. The income tax reduces her consumption by 21.5 percent relative to the no-tax situation, compared to 20 percent for Taxpayer A who immediately consumed.
  3. Perhaps a reflection of the high improper payment rate, auditA tax audit is when the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts a formal investigation of financial information to verify an individual or corporation has accurately reported and paid their taxes.
  4. That would burden older people who disproportionately own assets accrued during their working years.
  5. The one-time tax on existing wealth would be progressive given that asset ownership is skewed toward the wealthy.

Eliminating individual tax credits that phase-in and phase-out with income leads to opposing effects on marginal income tax rates that, on net, reduce marginal tax rates overall and lead to a slightly positive economic effect. Replacing the credits with a flat, lump sum credit offsets some loss of benefit without distorting marginal income tax rates and simplifies rules leading to easier administration and compliance. Replacing the credits with a flat, lump sum credit offsets some loss of benefit without distorting marginal income tax rates and significantly simplifies the credits.

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